from our files: do you do grids?

A very popular request for us lately has been hanging grids – sometimes “perfect” or square grids, sometimes irregular or quirky grids. Family photo walls are a popular candidate for this treatment, but we’ve also had quite a few salon style treatments of eclectic elements in a fine art collection. Public hallways, sophisticated living room […]
window floating in window
New clients in Brookline who had redone their bathroom, including an antique frosted glass window they had hung themselves previously with wire and screw eyes. As part of their renovation they had the glass reframed in a handsome oak, and wanted to upgrade the hanging system to match. We chose Arakawa mountings, cables and tensioners. […]
at the museum

I like to see how different people respond to art; it gives the artwork a fresh dimension in my eyes. Here, I’m taking in Barry McGee’s show at the ICA last year with some young art aficionados. They were taken with the video installation, but of course my mind was focused on the process of […]
a burst of spring color

A quick install for our morning. Handmade wallpaper, frames by A Street, kudos to our client for selecting a vibrant decorative motif that compliments their elegant, skylighted dining room in the South End. Can you see what’s different in each of the 6 wallpapers? While we were there we hung the mirror at left. […]
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